Friday, June 14, 2019

In which side of the brain are the old habits stored compared to the new acquired ones

You first have to understand that sides of the brain are less important than lobes. These include the Occipital, Temporal, Parietal, and Frontal lobe a.k.a Neo-cortex. Visual would have strong emphasis with neurons located in the occipital but given that it’s processed largely by the neocortex and stored in the hippocampus as visual memory, memory is not so simple to quantify in unilateral terms even when looking at it from a lobe perspective.
You have to understand that there are neurons that specialize for certain functions like motor neurons which control muscle memory, this allows for feats seen in the Olympics; these habits are hard to forget given how they are intertwined and the brain has a system.

Our brain has so many neurons that i highly doubt that old habits are even forgotten to make way for new ones. An adult no longer goes through pruning and concentrations are set. A slight change in brain structure may allow for new key habits to override access to old habits but Old Habits Never Die.

Reference: Eddie Curiel

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