Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Do you think psychopathy is a psychiatric disorder, a neurological disorder or both?

Psychopathy is a fancy term dreamt up by psychiatrists.
The reality is that there are humane people and there are inhumane people. The inhumane people are basically malignant souls or dark conscious being. Their consciousness is reduced by their own efforts over many lifetimes.

They deaden their conscience so that they are no longer conscious of others around them. Thus they commit crimes, hurt, abuse, exploit etc., etc., and care nothing for the other person. Other people are just objects. These are wilful actions and not “they can’t help it their brain is different” made up stories, which they aim to sell to the public as science.
The reality is that they are criminals. Some of them do obvious crimes and end up in jail. The majority do crimes in a manner that is no obvious. And not only that, their methods are swept under the carpet by a greedy for profits medical industry.
When the truth is known, the body is not a meat robots but purpose-driven. All of disease, and I would include congenital diseases, are nothing more than a nocebo effect. I have seen cases where the husband, being a psychopath, stressed his wife while pregnant so that she might give birth to a “high maintenance child” as for instance autistic. A way of making sure “the bitch doesn’t stray”. And whether she would have strayed or not is not a consideration. It is all about control and what they call “life management”.
People are adversely influenced by related inhumane people. They are further blind sighted by the misinformation and pseudoscience that comes out of psychiatry, so they fall in the traps and suffer, how easy it is to call the victims mentally ill, delusional or paranoid if they point to the source of the problem. And then conveniently put the offenders into the same bad as supposedly having some brain differences, which cause them to do thing they can’t help.
Reference: Kyrani Eade

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