Thursday, May 23, 2019

What are some of the most unusual brains?

The Brain of Phineas Gage.
In case you're not familiar with Gage, he has one of the most shocking incidents I've ever read about it when it comes to brains. His story goes like this:
In 1848, Gage was a foreman of crew cutting a railroad. He used an iron to pack explosive powder into a hole, but as he turned his back the powder suddenly exploded, propelling the tamping iron through his head. The tamping iron was 48 inches long, 1.25 inches in diameter, and weighed about 14 pounds. It went through his left cheek, then his brain, and exited the other way. When his crew went to check on him he suddenly got up, without seeming to realize there was a hole through his head. According to the doctor who treated him, Martyn Harlow, you could see into his head. Literally. He was treated, and returned home 10 weeks later. He claimed he never lost consciousness throughout the entire event.
However, the iron had brought unforeseen results. His personality completely changed. He was suddenly capricious, lacked money sense, and became "fitful and irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity."
So yeah. My opinion of the weirdest brain. Wasn't born like this, but an incredible event culminated in one of the most incredible brains.

Phineas Gage and the Iron that went through his head.

 Reference: Bryce Cai

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