Thursday, May 30, 2019

What is the scariest thing for Neuro surgeon?

Many actually …
·         Uncontrollable bleeding from the brain
·         Uncontrollable brain bulge
·         Wound infection after surgery
·         Fluctuating BP post blood clot evacuation from brain
·         Engaging in a difficult conversation with a mob of patient relatives at 2 in the morning after the patient got drunk and sustained a motor vehicle accident.
·         Explaining a patient relative that their kin may not ever come back from coma and they need to decide on pulling the plug.
·         Convincing a patient or kin to consider surgery in emergency situations as any delay might be life threatening.
·         Convincing an anaesthetist that the patient needs to be taken for surgery at earliest even without all the investigations as time cannot be lost moving the patient around the hospitals to get them done.
·         Etc…
However if you ask me to pick one, I would pick the bleeding part though. Nothing is scarier than seeing the brain bleed beyond control.

Reference: Kesha Megharaj

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